What I'm doing now

This is a Now page. It outlines a few things I'm focused on at the moment.

  • Since June I'm exploring ideas for a business. After spending a few months on discovery around customer problems, development is now underway!
  • I'm in the process of moving my PKM system from a Zettlekasten in Notion to a Second Brain-structure in Bear (guided by Building A Second Brain and The PARA Method). This is part of a bigger overhaul of my whole productivity system, which I hope to write about when the dust has settled.
  • I am more intentionally delving into the world of strategy in general (with Blue Ocean Strategy) and engineering strategy specifically (with The Engineering Executive's Primer). I'm confident this will be massively useful for my team and department at work.
  • I'm going deeper into machine learning and data science, by analyzing data, generating business reports, and building custom models. It's a whole new world for me, with a whole new toolset (Python, pandas, scikit-learn, and Colab).
  • I'm healing a hernia from this summer, impatiently doing my rehab while itching to get back into lifting heavy again. I will admit it's fun to throw in other modalities, like mobility, grip training, and more static holds.

Current fiction book: The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Current non-fiction book: The Pricing Roadmap, by Ulrik Lehrskov-Schmidt.

Current biography: Elon Musk, by Walter Isaacson.

Updated October 20, 2024.